Sunday, February 16, 2014

How to built a pool - Drawings

More about drawings

This was the hardest part of the drawing. I had no clue how to draw the slide. And I had no clue how big it was going to be. I talked to my neighbors, and measured theirs. But it wasn't before I talked to the company that builds the slides and caves I really understood how big the water feature was. If a slide/grotto/waterfall is higher then 8 feet it has to have special engineering. The best way to draw it is to contact a couple of companies that builds water features and explain what you want and they will send you drawings and measurements on the features.

If you go with a regular pool building company it seems that you can choose between 40 or 50 square feet grotto/slide/waterfall but if you talk to a rockwork company their standard work seems to be 50 or 60 square feet. The 60 square feet grotto has a bench with a shape of a half circle and the smaller 50 square feet grotto has a rectangular bench. A small grotto/slide is about 13 to 15 feet wide, 6,5 feet deep and about 5,5 feet high.  A bigger grotto/slide can be about 15 to 16 feet wide, 8 to 9 feet deep and 5,5 to 7 feet high. Make sure your HOA don't have any regulations about heights of the slide and how close to the neighbor wall it can be. Gilbert town has a 3 feet limit for all kind of building.

How narrow you can do the decking differ between the decking company. Some say they can do between 12 and 18 inch other say 18.

Sleeves and Aerator
Mark out the aerator and what kind of sleeves you want. If you wonder where you need to put the umbrella sleeves, you can hold an umbrella at different places at different times during the day to figure out how to get shade on the area you want. Just remember that the sun is also moving throughout the year.

Engineering drawings
This is the second step and if this will go quick and cheap or take a couple of days and be a lot more expensive is up to what kind of pool you want. We built a standard pool, just a lot longer than usually, with a standard slide/grotto.

I found a company that sold me a standard engineering drawings for 40 dollars. And it was ready to pick up as soon the engineer had a look at my drawings and decide it was a standard pool. For the price you get two of all your drawings. When you apply for a permit to build the pool you have to bring two of everything but you will get one of them back when you get your permit.

To be able to use a standard engineering drawing the slide have to be lower then 8 feet and the pool have to be 5 feet from not only the house, but from about everything, like patio columns.

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