Friday, April 24, 2020

Morning run in the neighborhood/suburban.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Plants for the front yard

Ok, That is a lot of plants. Maybe I got carried away a little, but I have to follow the HOA's guideline for how many plants I need in my front yard. 
This is going to be interesting. How to get the tree into the hole. The best way to get the tree in the hole is to cut of the bottom of the plastic pot and open up one side of the pot. Then roll/lift it into the hole and after that you just pull of the plastic pot.                                                                                       I have learned since I bought this tree that you should not dig a round hole because then the rots keeps follow the hard soil around and not expend out while if you dig a hole with angles it keeps going due to that it can't do a 90 degree turn.  
It is important to dig a big hole so the rots have a easy job growing in the beginning. You can put the same old dirt back, but there is different kind of soil and nutrients you can mix into the old soil to help the tree get started. The most important part is that the soil around the tree now is soft. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Front yard, watering system

The first step when you are landscaping is figuring out the watering system. I am going to need a drip system in both the front yard and the back yard for my plants. 

Time to plan the drip system. 
Where does the water come from and where will the valves and the control box be. Are they on the same side of the house? Of cause not, that would have made it too easy. 

To be able to get the water from one side to the other side of my front yard, the water has to go under the driveway. The builder put a thick pipe going under the driveway so now I only have to find where it is. They said about 2 feet. From the bottom or the top? After some digging it is found. 
Next I have to plan where I want my plants so the pipes will cover that area and I also need a pipe going to the back of my house. I am not going to worry about the back of my house right now but I need to prepare for it.                                                                              It is pretty hard to dig in a straight line so I put up a string to follow.

Time to decide where the valve box is going to go. More digging. 

The watering system is going to have one valve for the front yard and two for the back. One will be for the trees and one for the bushes so I can regulate the amount of water they get after their needs. 

To get to the back yard I had to dig under the gate. There was a block of concrete I had to dig under. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Cotton balls

Picked up some cotton balls that were left behind after the harvest. They are so beautiful. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

New Back Yard covered in weed.


It has been a while since my last post. I have moved to a new house with a new backyard to fix. From just having dirt in my backyard I got this lovely green backyard when the rain and warm weather hit Arizona. So should I let it die in the heat or some how get ride of it?